Parent Resources
Dear Parent,
Congratulations! If you are reading this letter, it is because you have successfully navigated your son or daughter through high school. Your child has now begun the journey into higher education. Over the years, you have likely assumed the role of parent advocate for your child because of his or her disability. You have probably spent a great deal of time with teachers, counselors and administrators determining your child's needs, discussing his or her disability, and advocating for accommodations.
Now you are ready to learn about parent advocacy at the college level. The most important thing for you to learn about college advocacy is that it really needs to begin in high school. Up to this point, you have likely assumed the role of spokesperson for your son or daughter, but in college, that can no longer be the case. As soon as your son or daughter receives his or her diploma, all the rules change.
For many parents, the most difficult change between high school and college is the recognition that the laws of the US recognize an 18 year old as an adult. At the college level, this means that the student, not the parent, is the advocate. The Self-Advocacy Handbook for College Students with Disabilities has helpful information about preparing your child to become his or her own advocate.
While the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) governs the provision of accommodations for children with disabilities in primary and secondary education settings, it does not apply in postsecondary settings (see "Legal Rights and Responsibilities" below). Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) the student must self-identify as a person with a disability, provide appropriate documentation of that disability and assist in the process of determining what accommodations would be effective in meeting his or her needs.
Under the Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA) no person from the college can discuss confidential information, which includes anything related to grades or disabilities, with parents, without permission from the student. At the high school level, the relationship is between the school district and the parents; at the college level, the relationship is between the college and the student. Disability Services offices may provide general information to you about the process of receiving accommodations, specific documentation requirements, and how specific accommodations work at the institution your child attends. Confidential information such as grades or if your child has picked up accommodation letters, however, may not be discussed without explicit permission from your son or daughter.
Gadsden State Disability Services and Resources Office
Is there a charge for receiving accommodations from Disability Services and Resources?
There is no charge for receiving accommodations from Disability Services and Resources.
How do the responsibilities of working with students with disabilities of Higher Education institutions differ from those of high schools?
The responsibilities towards students with disabilities in Higher Education institutions are very different from those of high schools. High schools are required under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) to identify the educational needs of students with a disability and provide a free and appropriate education. This responsibility is not required of Higher Education institutions. Higher Education institutions are required to provide appropriate academic accommodations to ensure that a student with a disability is not discriminated against. The student is responsible for disclosing their disability to the institution and making specific accommodation requests.
Does my child have to inform Gadsden State that they have a disability?
A student with a disability does not have to disclose their disability to the college. Disclosure of a disability is on a voluntary basis. However, a student will not receive accommodations unless they disclose this information.
What are the responsibilities of my child if they would like to receive accommodations?
A student with a disability is responsible for requesting accommodations through the Disability Services and Resources Office (DSR). Click here for a DSR Enrollment form. DSR will not seek students out. A student with a disability is also responsible for providing acceptable documentation of their disability that supports the accommodation requests.
What is considered acceptable documentation of a disability?
Information about Documentation Guidelines.
What kinds of accommodations are offered?
Accommodations are individualized to address specific functional limitations resulting from a disability. Examples of reasonable accommodations include, but are not limited to:
- Reduced distraction for testing
- Books on Tape or E-Text
- Note taking support
- Extended testing time
How would my child request accommodations?
See requesting accommodations on the Student Resources page.
Does Disability Services and Resources provide tutorial services?
DSR does not provide tutorial services. The Cardinal Tutoring Center offers free tutoring to all Gadsden State students. Student Support Services also offers free tutoring to their participants.
What is my role as a parent of a college student with a disability?
Students need support and often this support is found in family and friends. However, students must also be challenged in a way that produces growth and development. Appropriate parental involvement must take place within these boundaries and while keeping in mind the long term best interest of the emerging young adult. Such involvement as it relates to the University life most often involves advising and encouraging your student as they grow and make their own educated decisions.
Can I request accommodations for my child?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) does not allow students' academic information to be discussed without their permission, except by school officials with legitimate educational interest. This means that the Office for Disability Services, by law, can only discuss a student's school related issues with a parent once a student has signed a Release of Information Consent.
Can I speak with the DSR personnel in regards to my child’s situation?
A college student can sign a Release of Information Consent form, giving staff permission to share information with parents or guardian. However, know that even if a student signs a release, the Office for Disability Services strongly encourages students to be aware of all information discussed and be present during any meetings. The release is not a blanket release for the student’s entire college records. It only pertains to matters related to accommodations.
Since my child is now in charge of their educational planning, what are some self-advocacy skills they should develop?
Disability Services and Resources strongly encourages students to develop these self-advocacy skills:
- Understanding Your Disability: A student should be able to articulate what their disability is.
- Communicating Disability: A student should also be able to describe how the disability limits their functioning (functional limitations). A student should also be able to express some ways that they could be accommodated.
- Being Proactive: A student should provide acceptable documentation to DSR and request accommodations. A student should learn to work collaboratively with instructors to ensure their success with the accommodations. A student should also be able to identify if their accommodations are not being met.
- What can a student with a disability expect in regards to admissions procedures?
In regards to admissions procedures, a student with a disability:
- Must apply through normal channels
- May not be asked about disability status during application by Admissions
- May take a standardized test with accommodations. For standardized tests:
- Be prepared to submit documentation
Will a student’s admission to Gadsden State be denied because they have a disability?
A student meeting the essential requirements for admission to Gadsden State will not be denied admission solely on the basis of disability.
- My child has an IEP/504 Plan. Is that sufficient for college?
An IEP or 504 Plan addresses your student's needs in the K-12 educational program. However, colleges and universities are very different in the information they require and the accommodations that are available. The IEP or 504 Plan will provide current documentation, additional information containing professional assessments and recommendations may be required. Please refer to the documentation guidelines for necessary information required by the Office of Disability Services and Resources.
- What is the impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act on Higher Education of 1990?
The Americans with Disabilities Act on Higher Education of 1990 impacts the whole institution including activities, facilities, programs, and employment. In regards to academics, the Americans with Disabilities Act on Higher Education 1990 required higher education institutions to provide reasonable accommodations for students. For more information, please visit
- Does the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) apply to Higher Education?
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is a law administered by the Office of Special Education Programs in the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services in the U.S. Department of Education. This law does not apply to higher education.
Examples of Accommodations and Services
Providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities requires an individual assessment of need and is a problem solving process. Specific accommodations depend upon the nature and requirements of a particular course or activity and the skills and functional abilities of a particular student. Appropriate accommodations may include but are not limited to the listings below.
General Accommodations:
Accessibility – The DSR Office partners with Facilities Services and the Residence Hall to facilitate access to buildings, the dormitory, parking lots and other locations on campus. Students with disabilities who experience physical barriers should contact DSR for assistance.
Early Registration – When applicable, a student with a disability may register during early registration through Disability Services or Student Support Services. The student is still responsible for obtaining advisement with college advisors.
Service Animals - In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), service animals are permitted on the college campus and in its facilities. Service animals are animals that have been trained to perform tasks that assist people with disabilities. To be permitted on campus, a service animal must be specifically trained to perform a service function. The crime deterrent effects of an animal's presence and the provision of emotional support, well‐being, comfort, or companionship do not constitute work or tasks for the purposes of this definition. The service animal should wear a harness, cape, identification tag, or other gear that readily identifies its working status. The person using the service animal is responsible for controlling the animal’s behavior, caring for the animal, and cleaning up after the animal. A service animal whose behavior poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others may be excluded regardless of training or certification. See the Service Animal Policy and Procedures and Service Animal Request Form.
Library Access and Assistance - For library users with physical disabilities, reasonable efforts are made to maintain a barrier-free facility. Assistance is available at the Circulation Desk or in any library office. Accommodations for library services or facilities for persons with disabilities are made on a case- by-case basis in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 as amended. Disability Services Office assistive-technology assets related to library access include closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs), screen reader software, magnification software and adjustable height tables. Accommodation requests requiring special equipment or software should be directed to the ADA Coordinator.
Accessible Parking - Accessible parking is available for individuals near the front of each building on campus. The College recognizes permits issued by the state for the use of these areas and may authorize temporary parking passes for students with temporary medical conditions. For more information, contact the ADA Coordinator.
TTY / TDD Location - SS Office at Ayers Campus, 256-832-1234
Testing Accommodations:
- Extended Time - Testing accommodations may include extended time (1.5x or 2x)
- Isolated Testing Area / Reduced- distraction testing environment
- Recorded or Orally administered tests (including reading and/or software)
- Scribes
Students should discuss testing accommodations with their instructors at the beginning of each semester. Testing accommodations procedures vary from campus to campus. The procedures are discussed in the intake meeting. Any student with questions about testing accommodations should contact the ADA Coordinator.
As long as the student’s required accommodations can be met (e.g. extended time, reduced-distractions), the preferred method is for the student to be accommodated by the instructor or at least within the department. The DSR Office acts as an extension of the academic area by proctoring tests when neither the instructor nor the department is able to provide the accommodations. It is the student's responsibility to make arrangements with the instructor and DSR (if applicable) prior to the exam date. DSR will determine the alternate testing sites. These sites may include: the DSR testing room, Student Support Services (TRIO), the GSCC Testing Center or, at times, Media Services.
Specific details are worked out between the student and his or her test proctor. The test proctor will communicate with the instructor in order to ensure that the accommodations are provided efficiently and in accordance with the teacher’s requirements for test administration.
Classroom Accommodations:
- Classroom Accessibility - Students with mobility or physical impairments that hinder their ability to navigate to class will receive assistance in order to coordinate their classroom locations to accessible spaces.
- Alternate Formats for Assignments - In many cases, assignments may be submitted in formats other than those stated in course requirements (i.e., recorded rather than written or typed, and typed rather than hand written).
- Extended Time on Assignments - Some students with disabilities may be approved for an accommodation of modified attendance and/or deadlines due to a disability-related need, which may require the development of a Modified Attendance & Deadline Agreement for a student in a specific course. Generally, these students have disabilities, which are chronic or episodic in nature which may cause difficulties with regular class attendance and completing work. This might include, but is not limited to, students with diabetes, epilepsy, cancer, mental health disabilities, migraines and conditions requiring on-going or specialized medical treatment.
- Recorders / Note takers - Students may be permitted to record class lectures or be assigned a peer note taker as a reasonable accommodation. The peer note taker is normally a volunteer that is identified by the instructor. The note taker delivers the notes to a predetermined office for the student to pick up. The identity of the student is confidential.
- Sign Language Interpreters / CART Captionists - Gadsden State will provide qualified sign language interpreters and CART captionists for deaf or hearing-impaired students. For a complete copy of the Policies and Procedures concerning SLI and CART please see the DSR Webpage.
- Readers / Scribes - Text-to-Speech software such as Text-Aloud is commonly used to provide reading accommodations for exams. However, when appropriate, the College will also provide readers and scribes.
- Adaptive Technology* – The College provides adaptive technology, free of charge, for students with disabilities unless to do so would prove an undue burden, remove one or more of the essential functions of the class or program, or lower the academic standards of the college. Students may be permitted to use calculators (restrictions apply), word processors, closed circuit televisions (CCTVs), electronic dictionaries, and spell checkers for in- class work. FM Systems are available for loan to students with hearing impairments in order to facilitate classroom communication with instructors and classmates. An Amplified Stethoscope is available for students with hearing impairments who can’t hear standard stethoscopes. For students who qualify, the following equipment/services are currently available. Others will be purchased/installed as needed.
- E-Texts (electronic copies of textbooks, restrictions apply)
- Calculators (restrictions apply)
- TextAloud text-to-speech software
- FM Systems (for use by hearing-impaired students)
- Sign Language Interpreters and CART Captionists
- Readers, Scribes and Note takers
- Large print copies of syllabi, tests and handouts
- Amplified Stethoscope
- Closed-Circuit Televisions (CCTVs, stationary)–screen enlargers for use in libraries, computer labs, classrooms
- Scanner (SSS Gadsden)
- Braille embosser (SSS Gadsden)
- Adjustable Height Tables
*To request Adaptive Technology please contact the DSR office at least six weeks before the semester begins to allow time for equipment to be ordered or services to be contracted.
- Assistive Computer Software - Window-Eyes, ZoomText, Jaws, Scientific Notebook. Most accessibility software is purchased with site-licenses allowing the programs to be installed on any Gadsden State computer when requested by a student with a disability.
Area |
High School |
College |
Applicable Laws |
I.D.E.A (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973, ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Title 11) ADAAA (American with Disabilities Act Amendment Act of 2008) |
I.D.E.A (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973, ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Title 11) ADAAA (American with Disabilities Act Amendment Act of 2008) |
Required Documentation |
I.E.P. (Individual Education Plan); 504 Plan;School provides evaluation at no cost to student. School conducts evaluations at prescribed intervals |
Varies depending on the disability; high school I.E.P. and 504 are not always sufficient; they must include the testing on which the accommodations are based. Student must get evaluation at own expense and student must provide approved documentation, preferably no more than three (3) years old. |
Identification of Disability |
Student is identified by the school and is supported by parents and teachers. Primary responsibility for arranging accommodations belongs to the school |
Student must self-identify to the office responsible for Disability Services. Primary responsibility for self advocacy and arranging accommodations belongs to the student |
Parental Role |
Parent has access to student records and can participate in the accommodation process. Parent advocates for the student. |
Parent does not have access to student records without student’s written consent; student must initiate and complete. Student advocates for self and must have frequent contact with their counselor. |
Instruction |
Teachers may modify curriculum and/or alter pace of assignments. Frequent use of multi-sensory tools. Weekly testing, mid-term, final, and graded assignments and homework. Attendance taken and reported |
Professors are not required to modify curriculum design. Tends to be lecture style; may or may not use multi-sensory approach; labs required for some courses. Testing and assignment frequency varies. Attendance is taken and absences are limited to a specific number of hours; if you exceed this number of hours, you may receive a lower grade. |
Grades and Test |
Grades may be modified based on curriculum. |
Grades reflect the quality of work submitted; student must request testing accommodations at the beginning of the semester. |
Transportation |
School provides transportation at no cost. |
Student must arrange transportation. Special transportation service is available through the City of Birmingham. |
Conduct |
Disruptive conduct may be accepted. |
Disruptive behavior and inability to abide by the institution’s code of conduct are deemed “not qualified” and can be dismissed. |
Most Important Difference |
I.D.E.A. is about Success. High School is mandatory and free. |
A.D.A. is about Equal Access. Postsecondary is voluntary and the student is responsible for the cost. |
K-12 Education |
Postsecondary Education |
Practical Application |
What is the Law? |
IDEA: Individuals With Disabilities Education Act 504: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. ADA: Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. |
504: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , particular reference to Subpart E ADA: Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. |
Section 504(e) and ADA are not about special education services, they are about nondiscrimination and access for eligible individuals with disabilities. |
What is the intent of the law? |
IDEA: To provide a free, appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment to identified students with disabilities, including special education and related services. 504/ADA: To ensure that no otherwise qualified person with a disability is denied access to, benefits of, or subject to discrimination solely on the basis of disability. |
504/ADA: To ensure that no otherwise qualified person with a disability is denied access to, benefits of, or is subject to discrimination solely on the basis of disability. |
The IDEA meets the specific special education needs of the student and modifies the program accordingly. Section 504(e) and ADA allow eligible individuals with disabilities the same access to programs, activities and services as their nondisabled peers. |
Who is covered under the law? |
IDEA: All children and youth requiring special education services until age 21 or graduation from high school. |
504/ADA: All qualified persons with disabilities who, with or without reasonable accommodations, meet the college’s admissions requirements and the specific entry-level criteria for the specific program and who can document the existence of a disability as defined by Section 504. |
Not every student who received special education services under the IDEA will be a qualified individual with a disability under Section 504(e) or the ADA. And once admitted, not every request for accommodation will be deemed to be reasonable. |
Who is responsible for identifying and documenting the need? |
School Districts are responsible for identifying and evaluating potential students with disabilities. When such a determination is made, the district plans educational services for classified students at no expense to the family. |
Students are responsible for self- identification and for obtaining disability documentation from a professional who is qualified to assess their particular disability; cost of the evaluation must be assumed by the student, not the postsecondary institution. |
Just because documentation is sent on behalf of students, does not mean the students will receive services without the student coming in to specifically request them. |
Plan ahead:
- Choose the college you plan to attend
- Request the requirements for admission
- If the college requires a Placement Test and you need accommodations for the test you should notify the Disability Services Office at the college you plan to attend at least two weeks in advance so that accommodations can be arranged in a timely manner. For Gadsden State testing please contact or call 256-549-8462.
- Once you are admitted, contact the Disability Services Office as soon as possible to ensure accommodations are in place for your first semester.
College Preparation for Students With Disabilities Handbook (Published by the Alabama Association on Higher Education and Disability)